Let the Battle for Words Begin!

Writing has always been therapeutic for me. I started my journal way back my elementary days when that glittery-with-a-lock-and-keys kind of notebook was very popular. I wanted to show off at first, that’s all. Until writing became fun. I joined the school paper and come high school senior year, became the EIC, publish the school’s newsletter, went to college, graduated and now starting to blog. It feels like homecoming.

During my Psychology class back in college, the question How do you want to be remembered? popped in the list of questions for our final project. Instantly, it appeared to me, WORDS. I wanted to be remembered by my words. It stemmed out from the love I bear for reading. How the Shakespeare, Twain, Rowling, R.R. Martin, etc. are able to reach and touch the lives of million people through their words. I find it really amazing how they will still be doing this long after they were/are gone…long after we are gone. As I am writing this entry, I tried to remember the words of other people that have truly created an impact to me. George R.R. Martin says that words are just wind. But wind destroys. Wind makes waves. It angers sometimes. Words just like winds affect us all in one way or another. Words just like winds surround us.


Photo by Ibn Xavier Malilay

So I encourage you to write, read, listen and surround yourself with words. For sometimes, the most hidden feelings are expressed by the most wonderful words. The most wonderful experiences can be relinquished again and again and again when described through words. Because sometimes, the biggest and most heartfelt emotions can only be said in one simple word. Because words, my friends, are powerful.